Sunday, August 10, 2008

I can hardly believe we've had two days free of rain! If it rained last night, I didn't hear it. It was the first night for quite a spell that I haven't been awakened by the drumming of rain on the roof and against the house. I've wished ever since we did this house over that we had put awning type windows in the master bedroom instead of casements. I knew better, but for whatever reason I can't remember now, we're stuck with windows that have to be closed when it rains, preventing getting any fresh air. The overhang on one side helps some, but in storms like we've been having this summer, it just isn't enough.

I actually got into the flower garden to work today. I was busy all day yesterday with other stuff - the alumni luncheon and then at the Cabot Historical Society doing inventory. I didn't see many people I knew yesterday that I don't see on a regular basis. There were lots of strangers there, and some I knew by name when they introduced themselves - probably because of the work I've been doing for the historical society - but as far as finding people who were in school when I was, that just didn't happen. Most of the people there had lived in the Town of Cabot when they went to school. Having gone to grade school on the Plain and only spending my four high school years in the village, I really never got to know a lot of the other students. Someone told me yesterday that she never really realized there was a Cabot Plain. I wasn't surprised. I didn't know much about the village, either, until I went to high school. We always went "the other direction," towards W. Danville, Danville and St. Johnsbury. Even now, it seems strange to head off in that direction, and I'm always glad to come back to the Plain and Joe's Pond, leaving the noise of the village behind. The big trucks from the creamery and other loud traffic can literally call a meeting to a halt. I guess one gets used to the racket.

Fred and I walked early this morning. We haven't b
een walking much at all with all the rain, and this morning it was fresh and cool, a perfect morning to be outside. We were greeted by the herd of cattle opposite the field where the horses are. This morning the horses took a back seat for our attention because the cattle were very vocal. They put on quite a show - a resounding chorus of voices bellowing in unison. There were a few still off in the woods somewhere, lending their voices from time to time, but never showing up to join in with the main group.

As I sit here at my computer, the day has declined and I've had to take a minute to close the house up. Fred got the lawn mowed and I'm enjoying the smell of the newly cut grass; but the air is cooling down and we'll probably have a little fire in the wood stove tonight. Let the rain begin - again.

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