Sunday, June 15, 2008

Although the weather forecast was doubtful for today, it turned out to be a very beautiful day - warm, but not too warm, sunny, nice breeze. Perfect. Fred and I were invited to the 91st birthday celebration for our friend, Marie, at the home of our neighbor, Elizabeth, on Brickett's Crossing Road. We always enjoy being with these ladies. Another member of the group couldn't be with us because she'd just had her first wisdom tooth removed and didn't feel quite up to it. She's only 90. Our hostess, Elizabeth, is Swiss and her friend Ruth, also Swiss, was there. Both ladies are charming.

We told the group about the deer and the bear that Joyce photographed after they swam across the pond, and the Elizabeth told her story: During the recent very hot weather, Elizabeth was sitting out on her deck at around 10 p.m., enjoying
the cool of the evening. She has a lovely pond just below her house, the frogs were caroling, everything was quiet. She heard a noise on the deck beside her and turned - face to face with a very large bear, not 10 feet away. The bear was between her and the doorway, so there was nowhere for Elizabeth to go. She said all she could think to do was to stand up. The bear was as surprised as she was, but he looked at her briefly and then turned around and lumbered off the deck into the woods. Now, Elizabeth lived for many years in Alaska, and not much frightens her, but she admitted to us that having the bear that close with no place to hide was a little unnerving. She's had bears visit before, looking in the windows from her deck and she said that hasn't bothered her, but this experience shook her a bit.

Marie used to live in Cabot but now resides in an assisted living facility in Barre. We've known her for some time, and she's always cheerful. Now, in spite of not hearing well and having a couple of heart episodes, she doesn't complain. She was content to sit on the deck overlooking Elizabeth's pond and remarked several times about what a beautiful setting it was. The lilacs were in full bloom
and their scent was strong in the air. Dozens of yellow butterflies flitted among the blooms. A chipmunk skittered across the deck close to her and a big woodpecker eyed her from the bird feeders. It was a pleasure just to watch her enjoyment. She is very much alone although she said there is a lot going on where she lives - but it isn't as peaceful, she said, as it was at Elizabeth's today.

Turns out, as the birthday cake was about to be cut, today wasn't her birthday at all. There was some misunderstanding on Elizabeth's part and it isn't until the 24th of June. Marie dismissed the mistake and with a big smile said, "Oh, I don't mind - we can do it again then!"

Fred took these pictures. Dinner was delicious and the company was wonderful. Good conversation and lots of laughs.

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