Friday, February 01, 2008

February Thaw

Today has been pretty dreary, among other things, since about noon. Things weren't too bad until then, but there were lots of warnings about how the weather would deteriorate during the day, and sure enough, the snow came just before noon, then we got a mix of snow and ice pellets before it turned to rain. It was pretty cold last night, so down here on the ground everything turned to ice. The road crews have been busy all afternoon, and there were numerous accidents, as usual. By evening, things were calming down and I think we got a bit of snow. I haven't looked out lately, and whatever came out of the sky, there wasn't much of it at least until now. What happens tonight may be another story.

Just before dark, Fred went out to see if he needed to clear the driveways. I think it was raining pretty hard about then, mixed with some snow. You can see by the photos, there was something in the air, for sure.

I'm listening to the scanner and the roads are still pretty icy so the crews are still out there sanding and salting. It's been a long day for them. I just heard that power lines are down in the Concord, Vermont area. The ice gets pretty heavy on the trees and probably one came down on the power line. Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty nice again, though, and I guess the groundhog will see his shadow - which is supposed to mean six weeks more of winter. That is pretty much assured here. Six weeks from now will probably find us facing typical March storms bringing lots more snow. We'll see. By then we know the end is near.

I received this today in my e-mail. There is some pretty unusual stuff on there - perhaps you've seen this already. Take a look.
Crow and Kitten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The crow mothering a kitten story is AMAZING. I have never seen anthing like it, with a little love anything is possible.
Thanks for sharing....
Also, please be safe on the icy roadways.

Spring and Reminders

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