Saturday, December 15, 2007

Good Morning!

It's a beautiful morning here - cold and clear with bright sunshine. We know it's the "lull before the storm," but thanks to modern technology we know what's coming so can use a day like this wisely. Henretta from the next house up the road called this morning to say she was going into town to stock up and asked if we needed anything; Fred has been out and blown all the driveways clear - says he wants to have the snow from the previous storms out of the way before this one hits. Of course, we know all the snow that's been blown or plowed out of the driveways and roads is going to get blown back in, plus some, but that's life here in the north country.

We asked son, Jamie, the one who lives just above us here on W. Shore Road, to report to us about cell phone reception. He monitored his phone reception on his way to work yesterday and this was his report:


I checked my cell on the way in this morning. I have 1 or no bars (as usual) from our house to Peck's Farm. With my service and/or phone, this is not enough level for reception/transmission. Nothing has changed with new tower. Jamie

Peck's farm is about a mile this side of Danville. We guess the benefit is greater in Cabot Village and on the western side town, towards Marshfield, perhaps some of Walden on Rt. 15, and the Calais-Woodbury area. It's a start, at least, and other farms or towns along Rt. 2 may fine it easier to work with the new legislation now - but there will probably always be neighbors who object to having a tower near them or within eyeshot. We enjoy picking out the "perfect tree" towers along ridge lines when we're driving. Even the obvious thin pole type is difficult to see most of the time, but I guess if there was one close to your house it would be different.

If we learn more about reception here, we'll let you know. Fred is going to Hardwick this morning to recycle, so he'll try the car phone from Rt. 15. to see if reception is better along that stretch.

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