Saturday, November 24, 2007

My apologies!

I had an e-mail this morning from Steve and Bev Allen. It seems the pond ISN'T frozen all over. Here's what Steve wrote:

Hi, folks!
We're still here on Meadow Lane while our Camp renovations are going on, but we'll close up in the next few days before we get much more snow. You mentioned on the Blog that the Pond is frozen over - the south east side, from the Milne's on down is still open; in fact up to a couple of days ago the young loon was still out there, but we haven't seen it recently. Hopefully it has migrated by now! Even this morning, at 16 degrees, there's still quite a bit of open water. We thought maybe if it warmed up enough we could win an EARLY ice-out contest, but guess it's not to be!
Happy Holidays!
Steve & Bev

Thanks for the update, Steve. I should have gone down W. Shore Rd. to check before I wrote the blog, but I really thought with the cold nights we've had . . . you understand. I'll try to do better in the days to come and I admit we haven't been walking as much as usual lately. Ice, slush, cold weather, rain and sleet - a postman I'm not, but I need the exercise, especially after Thursday, so will make a better effort in the future! Anyway, thanks again, Steve. If you see the young loon, let us know. Takeoff could be difficult or impossible for him if he waits much longer! I hope he's gone.

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