Saturday, June 16, 2007

This came from Helen Morrison on West Shore Road: (mailed to me at 8 p.m.) - The photo is not the bear she saw, but you get the idea . . . they're BIG!

I have had a good healthy bear visiting, twice in the
past two weeks. Tonight he lumbered through my garden
and headed down to the road. Barbara and Michael (Pupino) saw
him. My worry is that he is out looking for food at
camps. And a nuisance bear can become a dead bear.
He is such a gorgeous animal. I wonder if we could
put something on the Joe's Pond Blog or wherever is
appropriate, warning people to keep all garbage in
their houses until the very day of pick up. Then he won't be drawn to the camps for any reason...and can stay up here in the woods, safe and healthy. Thanks. Helen.

Let me add to Helen's plea - bears are also drawn to bird feeders - even those for hummingbirds. They also relish any sort of garbage. I know some fishermen bury the remains in the woods after cleaning their catch - not a good idea. Bears have a keen sense of smell and will find it. They can do real damage to your property. Screen doors or even glass in doors or windows are not enough to keep them out if they are hungry enough, so please be careful - keep garbage to a minimum, freeze it until you can dispose of it properly, and never set your trash out over night.

The bears aren't out to hurt anyone, and our native bears aren't known for attacking people unless someone comes between a mother and her cubs or if they somehow feel trapped or threatened, so show them some
respect - don't tempt them to come to your house, and like Helen says, they can live happily an safely in the woods. This time of the year they are looking for food - berries aren't out so there isn't much for them to eat in the wild, and they are known for taking advantage of an easy meal like your garbage or bird food.

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