Saturday, April 22, 2006

and other important stuff!

Would you believe it, I've had two inquiries about buying 2007 Ice-Out tickets as a result of the NYTimes article, and yesterday there was a letter from a man in Rhode Island saying he'd read about the Ice-Out in the Providence Journal and as soon as 2007 tickets are available he wants five sent to him. I'm not sure how the Providence Journal got the story, but perhaps one of our members living in that area alerted them . . . ? Anyway, lots of people look forward to having a shot at guessing when the ice goes out.

We have a couple new links on the web site you might like to check out. Both are under "Businesses", both are for Jesse Larocque, who lives on Brickett's Crossing Road. Jesse makes traditional Abenaki Indian baskets and teaches the art; he is also a computer consultant - one who makes house calls. We had a problem
this week with my computer not loading one of the pages from the web site, and after exploring many possibilities and finding and correcting part of the problem but not all of it, Fred contacted Jessie who was able to diagnose the ailment over the phone and help Fred correct it. The basic problem was an incompatability between our HP scanner and an update Microsoft did a few days ago. Fred's computer worked ok, mine was like a stubborn mule.

These are my daffodils - they weren't quite ready for Easter, but now are doing fine. I spotted my first mayflower yesterday when raking in my flower beds. I have one bed that has been "taken over" by a host of plants too pretty to disrupt. First the mayflowers come, then violets and lilies-of-the-valley. Finally, other stuff comes along - bee balm, iris, day lilies, hollyhocks, stray rose bushes and every year something I didn't know was there pops up to surprise me. No bark mulch will do for that flower bed - I wouldn't know where to begin. It's wild.

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...