Sunday, May 29, 2016

This came today from Helen Morrison:
It's that time of year again...time for the Bark in the Park tennis ball raffle. $5 per tennis ball, your name goes inside, and then we put all the balls out in the park after the St. J Pet Parade, and Canine Officer Bodie of the St. J Police will pick 5 balls. The lucky person inside of one will win $500. Two more will win $100. And two more will win $50. Awesome. You can see on the poster where they will be sold. Or you can contact me and we will work out how you can purchase a tennis ball. Thanks for supporting Kingdom Animal Shelter.  My number is 563-2488.  (Click to make the image larger.)

Helen also mentioned: 

We'd love any returnable bottles and cans that people are willing to donate for KAS.  Just leave them in front of my garage on West Shore Road.  (936 West Shore Road).
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

So far this has been a perfect weekend, weather-wise.  With the possible exception that it's been a tad too hot and humid, but we all hesitate to complain.  This is what we've all been waiting for - some nice warm weather without dreadful cold snaps taking all the fun out of it.

We stopped at the Anderson's Friday and found them enjoying the late afternoon on their pontoon boat with Tom and Camilla Dente.  There are suddenly lots of boats on the water - we can hear them from here, but cannot see thim from our house.  I think we have some boats in the water at our camp, too - but we haven't been down yet.  The boys take care of that kind of stuff now. 
We had a family party on Saturday evening, minus three because Bob and Theresa couldn't come at the last minute, and Jo-Ann had to be at school.  It was Bill's birthday, so we added a few extra calories with cake and ice cream.  It was really hot, but we had cold ham and salads, and I had done my cooking/baking well ahead, mostly during cool evenings. Marie brought her really good pasta salad - always a treat.  Tangeni was happy to see Aunt Marie and Uncle Jamie.  We missed Bob and Tee, but there will be other get-togethers, I'm sure.

I began digitizing some old - very old! - slides this weekend.  Actually what I was doing was picking out some memorable pictures of Bill for his birthday card.  This is one I used, from around 1980 of Bill, Jamie and Bob when Fred and I were living at camp - it was Christmas.  Finding these old pictures developed into a whole other project and I barely scuffed the surface.   Below is another I found that will bring back memories for lots of folks who where "kids" back then - Bob with Roger Hamilton on his shoulders.   So man great memories.  I will be good to have them preserved.  They are getting pretty gritty, and some have turned color slightly.

There are literally thousands of slides, dating back to 1953 or so, until we got a digital camera.  I still used film for a while even after that, I think, to do stories for the newspapers - black and white back then.  I still have all that equipment and some black and white film, I believe.  Probably no good after all this time.  I used to buy big reals of Ilford 400 film and manually wind it on spools to take 8 or 12 pictures, which was all I needed for a story. 

I should title this entry, "Memories on Memorial Day Weekend."


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