Friday, May 05, 2017

Gloomy day.  Not terribly cold, but in the 40s, and that's chilly when it's raining and damp.  Tomorrow may be a little better, but not by much, and most of next week looks like it will be cool and wet, too.  There will certainly be some flooding in the valleys.

The newsletter is in the mail and you can also see it in full color on the website - click here:  NEWSLETTER .   Our 2018 Ice-Out tickets have been printed and will be ready for members at our May 27th meeting.  Summer Season at Joe's Pond is about to begin.  Every day there are more people arriving from their winter retreats,  and I'm sorry our weather isn't more welcoming.  Pam Hebert told me they arrived last Saturday from 97 degrees in Arizona to a cold 31 degrees here at Joe's Pond.  That's a serious  change.  The weather will get better, I'm pretty sure.  We've had cold, wet summers in the past, but hopefully this won't be like that.  At least the grass, flowers and trees all look great and seem to be right on schedule.

I've had two interesting photographs come to my attention this week.  One was on eBay and it will no doubt be part of the West Danville history book; the other is of a barn on Joe's Pond, apparently taken years ago.  I haven't seen that one yet, but it's intriguing.  I hope to have that in a few days.

In the meantime, there's lots to be done inside and outside this time of the year, so both Fred and I keep very busy.  Personally, I'd like to have better weather to get some of the outside stuff done, but we'll take what we can get.  At least the stones I was working with are getting a nice washing, and this rain is settling the earth around them.  Unfortunately, the grass and weeds will get a head start if I don't get out there soon.

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